Athlete of the Month - Charusmita Deb

NAME: Charusmita Deb
AGE: 36
Favorite WOD/Exercise: Pull ups
Least Favorite WOD/Exercise: OH Squats
Tell us a little bit about yourself (where are you from, job, family, etc.).
I am originally from New Delhi, India and have been in the US since the past 15 years. We are a small family of 4. I take after my dad who has always been into weightlifting and he’s my inspiration. My forte is Fashion…I have worked for more than 10 years in that profession. I started my own restaurant in Hoboken, NJ just 2 years ago.
When you’re not at CrossFit Stealth, what do you like to do for fun?
My kids keep me on my toes, my fun time with them mostly involves running behind them and we love to go on hikes and biking on weekends. We dance a lot too….that’s another workout for me.
How did you hear about CrossFit? Why did you want to try it?
I came across a lot of people who were into crossfit and I was curious to find out what it was. I have always been an active person but working out only meant running on the treadmill but definitely need did weightlifting. My business took a toll on my health because of the stress and poor eating and sleeping habits due to the work hours involved. I was diagnosed with epilepsy as I had continued episodes of seizures and that’s when I took control of my health. I had gained over 25lbs and I couldn’t see myself so out of shape and I had to do something. Running wasn’t working so I started to google about crossfit and I found crossfit stealth and decided to give it a try. It was super challenging also cuz I had fear of weights but that in itself kept me motivated.
What were your thoughts after your first workout at CrossFit Stealth?
That I am going to die! I couldn’t feel most part of my body but I kept going at it. I was almost ready to give up but I gave myself 3 months before completely giving up but eventually grew fond of it. I knew everything in the beginning seems hard. To tame those fears was my aim!
What are your fitness goals? Have you achieved any of them while at CrossFit Stealth?
I want to be strong! Not necessarily lean. I didn’t have any upper body strength and seeing everyone do pull ups, handstands and toes to bar, made me go at it harder. I can do at least 3 pull ups unassisted, I can do a handstand and rope climbs. I have been consistent in doing open gyms during which I work on the skills. I am still working on my weightlifting skills like snatches and OH squats.
What is your favorite cheat meal?
My fav cheat meal would be an indian dish called Biryani….its basically rice pressure cooked with either chicken or lamb pcs and a lot of indian yummy spices J
What is your favorite thing about CrossFit Stealth?
That its not intimidating….a lot of friendly people who are always willing to help and advise on techniques. Coaches are super friendly and awesome!
What is your most memorable or funniest moment at CrossFit Stealth?
My most memorable moment would be when I did the first rope climb and everyone cheered for me.
How would you describe your experience at CrossFit Stealth?
My experience has been very very interesting. 6 months down, I am doing things that I would have never imagined even trying and all because of the help from my coaches and being consistent with the classes. I look forward to wod’s now without being scared.
Would you recommend CrossFit Stealth to your friends and family? What advice would you give them starting out?
I have already suggested Crossfit Stealth to my friends and family. Crossfit stealth is a place you can easily grow fond of. This place becomes a part of your life. Its like an addiction…
My advice would be not to give up just seeing other people do it perfectly. Give yourself time, focus on what you want to be good at….keep at it. Don’t let any hard workout put you down. You will start noticing changes but not immediately…so keep working hard and when you start seeing those changes, you will be glad you kept going.
Something you might not know about me is?
That I am very strong mentally and emotionally….very rarely I let bad things or situations affect me. Growing up I have always been a tomboy….never played with dolls, rode my brother’s motorcycle when I was 15 and played basketball for my school. I wanted to pursue racing cars as my career but never got to do it.