Athlete of the Month - Alex Decilveo

NAME: Alex Decilveo
AGE: 26
MEMBER SINCE: March 2018
Favorite WOD/Exercise: Anything with power cleans / Ring muscle ups
Least Favorite WOD/Exercise: Overhead squats
Tell us a little bit about yourself (where are you from, job, family, etc.).
Hey. My name is Al. I grew up in North Jersey and I am the youngest of four. My brother and sister live out west, but the majority of my family still lives in NY. We have a dog named Romeo. He’s only 8, but he walks very slowly. I played baseball and basketball growing up, but was constantly shamed for playing too many video games and excessively watching movies. If you enjoy quoting early 2000 romantic comedies, we’d likely be very good friends. I’m currently in my 4th year of medical school, hoping to graduate in May and looking forward to having a real-life adult job.
When you’re not at CrossFit Stealth, what do you like to do for fun?
Staying active is important to me so playing basketball or running. I live with three of my best friends so we watch a lot of movies and eat a lot of ramen (shout out Ramen Nagomi). Other than that, I like to eat at new restaurants, cook Italian food, spend time with family, and travel.
How did you hear about CrossFit? Why did you want to try it?
I remember hearing about it during college. After I graduated, one of my good friends joined. He really enjoyed his gym and got a lot stronger/faster. From then on I always wanted to try CF.
What were your thoughts after your first workout at CrossFit Stealth?
I joined during the Crossfit Open and I remember having trouble moving the following morning.
What are your fitness goals? Have you achieved any of them while at CrossFit Stealth?
To get stronger, learn Olympic lifts and stay mobile. I learn something new every class and am excited to continue to improve.
What is your favorite cheat meal?
Mango habanero boneless wings with waffles fries and mozzarella sticks.
What is your favorite thing about CrossFit Stealth?
The coaches! And the assault bikes.
What is your most memorable or funniest moment at CrossFit Stealth?
Casey classic.
How would you describe your experience at CrossFit Stealth?
Awesome. All of the coaches are extremely dedicated and focused on helping you achieve your goals. During workouts, the members are supportive and help push you to be your best.
Would you recommend CrossFit Stealth to your friends and family? What advice would you give them starting out?
I would 100% recommend it to my friends and family. My best advice is to take it slow. There is so much to learn and developing the foundation is key to longevity.
Something you might not know about me is?
I had high cholesterol at the age of 12… due to eating too many mozzarella sticks.