Athlete of the Month - Rich Mayo

NAME: Rich Mayo
AGE: 43
Favorite WOD/Exercise: Push Press
Least Favorite WOD/Exercise: Snatch
Tell us a little bit about yourself (where are you from, job, family, etc.).
I was born and raised in Union, NJ and have been living in NJ all my life. I am working in the pharmaceutical industry ever since my first job out of college. I have a degree in chemistry but now work in Information Technology. I am married to my wife Jen almost 12 year and have a daughter Sophia (8) and a son Ryan (6).
When you’re not at CrossFit Stealth, what do you like to do for fun?
Definitely be outdoors with the kids. We have a pool, tire swing, zipline, slackline and ninja course in our backyard and lots of outdoor games. I love driving my Jeep and going to different Jeep events. And I am also a huge Denver Broncos fan.
How did you hear about CrossFit? Why did you want to try it?
I was visiting my brother-in-law in California and he asked me to drop in a few classes with him. I used to workout consistently, but life had kind of gotten in the way since having a young family. It was perfect timing to get back into it and I was instantly hooked.
What were your thoughts after your first workout at CrossFit Stealth?
A love-hate relationship. It was super challenging and kicked my but, but I loved the way I felt afterwards.
What are your fitness goals? Have you achieved any of them while at CrossFit Stealth?
I wanted to lose 15lbs and I did that within the first 4 months. I now want to lose another 10lbs but more importantly want to feel strong, walk tall, and be fit mentally. I am seeing progression in all these areas.
What is your favorite cheat meal?
Too many to list, but any dessert my wife makes.
What is your favorite thing about CrossFit Stealth?
I like the social aspect of it and the coaching. I was never very good at working out on my own, so having that support system is great for me.
What is your most memorable or funniest moment at CrossFit Stealth?
Breaking in my new shoes in the first week and I slipped (it was raining) and fell during a warm up jog around the building.
How would you describe your experience at CrossFit Stealth?
Everything about it works for me. The first thing I do every morning is open the app and look at the WOD, so that says volumes about the culture and atmosphere that the CrossFit Stealth team has built.
Would you recommend CrossFit Stealth to your friends and family? What advice would you give them starting out?
Yes, and the one thing is to let people know not to be intimidated by the exercises and power lifting components.
Something you might not know about me is?
I cut my own hair!