CrossFit Kids is not simply a scaled down version of CrossFit, it is based in CrossFit and but designed specifically for kids and the specific development of kids.
Our program combines gymnastics, body weight movements, and weightlifting elements to improve overall fitness as defined by Bruce Evens 10 General Physical Skills . We pair fitness with FUN to encourage a life long love of fitness for the children. All the movements are natural (life requires them), safe and essential (they use them to function independently on a daily basis). In our class we start with a warm up, followed by a skill, a short WOD (workout of the day) and always end with a game. Kids, ages 4-9, are encouraged to join. The kids are constantly moving and always having fun!
Our first class for kids is always free, so come check us out!
Jenny Latif – Crossfit Level 2, CrossFit Kids Coach
Erin Comollo – CrossFit Level 1, CrossFit Kids Coach
For more information on our CF Kids schedule, program, and pricing, please contact us.