"Clean Up" Your Recovery with Better Sleep Hygiene by Coach Julia
While having fresh sheets and an organized room will definitely contribute to better sleep, “sleep hygiene” actually refers to the...

5 Consistent Habits to Build
As we roll full steam ahead into spring, now is a good time to remind ourselves of what we wanted to do differently back when the New...

Never Have I Ever...
Hey Stealthletes!! I’m always down for a good time, so let’s play a fun game called Never Have I Ever. Never have I ever.... ...walked...

Fitness FOMO by Coach Erin
Fitness FOMO noun: 1. the fear of missing out on strength, endurance, aesthetics, aka GAINZ due to time away from the gym. Too often than...

The Open is Coming... Coach Dave
Every year Crossfitters from around the world get together what is the largest competitions worldwide, The Open. This year The Open takes...

Athlete of the Month - Carson Keers-Flood
NAME: Carson Keers-Flood AGE: 27 MEMBER SINCE: May 2018 WODS PER WEEK: 5 Favorite WOD/Exercise: SNATCH THURSDAY Least Favorite...

Macros, and Ketones, and Cleanses… Oh My - Coach Chris
So the new year is upon us, and with it comes renewed enthusiasm towards living a healthier lifestyle. First off, let’s remember that if...

FULL SEND - Training hacks for 2019, and years to follow by Coach Bobby
This is your 2019 hype-man speaking. With the new year around the corner, there’s no better time for me to drop some old man knowledge...

Athlete of the Month - Alex Decilveo
NAME: Alex Decilveo AGE: 26 MEMBER SINCE: March 2018 WODS PER WEEK: 5 Favorite WOD/Exercise: Anything with power cleans / Ring muscle ups...

Athlete of the Month - Charusmita Deb
NAME: Charusmita Deb AGE: 36 MEMBER SINCE: Feb 2018 WODS PER WEEK: 5 - 6 Favorite WOD/Exercise: Pull ups Least Favorite WOD/Exercise: OH...